Receive recommendations relevant to your current online interests β skip the tedious process of sifting through pages of search results and sorting through the noise. Our Widget, including both sponsored content and recommendations, is delivered to you in seconds to ensure your browsing is as efficient as possible!
The Widget will appear on the right side of your browser, listing several recommendations that you can look at. If you find something that piques your interests, feel free to click on it to view at that time or save for later.
Sponsored Content are paid advertisements. This content will be identifiable by "Sponsored" appearing on the tile. Sponsored content can be disable specifically, if you choose to not receive paid advertisements. Disabling these recommendations will not disable all recommendations, however, this is also an option if you choose to do so. Learn more about disabling sponsored content or snoozing recommendations.
How to Use
Click on the recommendation to open a new tab will open with the corresponding website.
If the widget is collapsed, and is only showing one recommendation, you can view additional recommendations by clicking "Show More" to expand the widget.
Keep the widget open but decrease its size by clicking "Show Less" to collapse the widget.
If you find a recommendation you like and want to save for later, do so by clicking the "heart" icon next to "Save for Later".
Learn more about saved recommendations by clicking here.
Close the widget by clicking "X" in the top right corner.